2007년 2월 19일 월요일



Red scarf-
Furious steamed bull
Dashing toward the
Laughing men with its thrusting horn-Bloody

Sound Poem

the screeching sound of busy feet
echoes of yelling coaches
benches squicking
audience cheering
basketballs dunking
wistles screaming
sweated players’ heavy breathings
excited voice of announcer

Disturbed is the green hollow(Pantoum)

Disturbed is the green hollow
Sure it broke the forest’s sweet dream
Was it cry of two little ones after losing breads to follow?
Maybe the crushed sounds of stream

Sure it broke the forest’s sweet dream
Would it come again, the peace in the dawn?
Maybe the crushed sounds of stream
What would calm it down?

Would it come again, the peace in the dawn?
Perhaps it was a bird looking for his fellow
What would calm it down?
Certainly it sharpened the angry wind’s claw

Perhaps it was a bird looking for his fellow
The alerted crows draw black dots on pallid sky
Certainly it sharpened the angry wind’s claw
The awakened beasts roar and cry

The alerted crows draw black dots on pallid sky
Was it cry of two little ones after losing breads to follow?
The awakened beast roar and cry
Disturbed is the green hollow

Process Essay

Process Essay:How to Defeat the Common ColdEsther Chanhye ParkMs. JohnsonB block Writing11/07/07607Park/ page 1(People who want to get health information/ process essay)Draft #3Have you ever suffered from stuffed nose, sore throat, and headache that feel like yourbrain weighs about 10,000 tons?At least 98% of populations on the planet called Earth, the kingdom of infinite germs,will nod in agreement. The common cold attacks us especially when our body is weakand not capable of handling the germs. Some may say that common cold is not big serious diseases like cancer, however, there may be dreadful results when ignoring it by making brain damage by high fever or loss of cells, which might lead to death. So, how do we defend ourselves from getting cold? These simple and free habits are the answer.Eating the right proportion of various foods is the first step. Especially, the diet should include vegetables and fruits for vitamin C and moisture. There are certain types of fruits and vegetables that strengthen the defense mechanism. According to Dr. Lee Wang Jae, a nutritionist, “yellow and red colored fruits have a lot of vitamin C, such as oranges, persimmon, strawberries, and tomatoes.” Also he said “spinaches, kales, and green tea leaves contain Vitamin C than other vegetables.” The healthy diet can be successfully accomplished with a small walk to supermarket with few bills in your pocket. If you don’t prefer the uncooked vegetables and fruits, you could pan-broil them or drink fruit juices to get vitamin C.Washing hands are the very next habit that keeps you away from getting common cold. Hands are the parts of our body that we use most in our life. Not only we eat with them, but also go to the restroom, throw our garbage, and clean your toilet. Think about all the germs that are around the world! Did you just handshake with someone? Congratulation! Not only friendly sign was transferred to you, but also thousand of germs that were on his or hers is now on yours! Almost everything we do in our lives include germs transferring to your body. Do not panic, because simple hand washing removes your germs. For washing hands, we just need running clean water, a soap, and a clean towel. First, gently soak your hands with warm water. Be careful not to put too hot water. Lather the soap on both of hands. Make sure that you latherenough. Then, you wash your hands. Good job! You won the battle between billions of germs by this 1-minute act.The final step to defend us from catching cold is taking enough rest.When our body is tired, it is weak and more likely to get cold. The proper time to sleep is about 8 hours. At least, a person is to have 6 hours of sleep. The condition of the place where you rest is also important. It has to be good hygiene as well as the appropriate temperature. About 19 – 21ºC of temperature keep your body temperature and help the deep sleep. The steady bed and comfortable and smooth night cloth are strongly suggested.The common cold is a signal from our body when it is weak.Thus, it is our duty not to ignore the message from our body, but take care of and pay attentions to them more than usual with quite simple and easy habits in our daily life.

Learning goals

Taking a big step to be a better writerEsther ParkJan.21.07B WritingMs. JohnsonDraft 2Standard 1:A) Goal: Develop the skills to write in response to literature, such as understanding the author’s purpose of writing style.I usually read the books without fully understanding its significance or what author really tried to say to the readers. I want to develop and learn skills to read with thoughts in more depth to be more advanced reader. To obtain this goal, I will try to read books with more care to look for a theme or topic. I will make notes during reading a book and will find author’s attention in styles, ambiguities, nuances, and complexities. Most of all, I will have to remember not to read only surface story quickly, but to read profoundly and slowly.Standard 2:B) Goal: Learn how to use more precise and descriptive language that clarifies and enhances ideas and supports different purposes.Because of my choices of flat and plain vocabularies, my whole writing often sounds monotonous. I want to change my diction to make my writing more lively and unique, so that readers can create images while reading. To accomplish my goal, I will read writings of different authors to learn about various ways to express in writing. Also, I will be able to learn about more words while reading them. I am planning to read pieces from different era to make more diversity in writing and here is part of my booklist: Moby Dick by Herman Melville, Chocolate War by Robert Cormier, and The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.I will try to finish at least tem books in this quarter, which makes 20 books for the whole semester.Standard 3:C) Goal: Fix the habit of using commonly confused terms in written compositionConfusion of two similar words makes the writing ambiguous and nonsensical.I am going to achieve this goal by memorizing the certain words that are confusing to me. For example, I am going to make list of words that I often make mistakes.Here are some of the words: Sensual and sensuous; affect and effect; avert and advert.Standard 4:D) Goal: Write the source accurately in appropriate formatThis goal is important to me as I had many grade disadvantages because of my mistakes in writing sources in not only writing class but also other classes. I will put more time in studying more about the citation. Also, checking the website of citation machine will be helpful. Before turning in any papers, I will always check if I have missed any information that needs to be quoted.Standard 5:E) Goal: Turn in the papers on timeThis goal might look easy and unnecessary to others, however, it is very challenging goal for me. I am very slow thinker and also a slow writer, so it takes me more time to write a piece than other people to write a piece. To accomplish this goal, I will start the writing homework first than other homework and do not waste any class time given to me.

Definition Essay

Healing: love between creatures with thumping heartsLiving organisms, including men, live through life, getting damaged and injured. However unlike inorganic substances, we have ability to restore the healthy state, heal, others or ourselves. The word heal, contains many types and ways. It can be classified as something physical, mental, and spiritual. The choice of way to heal is greatly impacted by personal beliefs and values. Other than this, the word contains a wide-ranging variety of definitions in it including causes and origins, and negation.The first class of healing is physical healing. It is to cure the physical wounds. This class can be done to all the living things. The physical healing consists of two methods. One uses technical skills to heal; this type usually includes Western medical skills. Another sort of healing is using folk remedies. Folk remedies are nor proven to be true, however, is used widely. The methods of folk remedies depend on the region’s traditions or environment. Second type, mental healing is similar to the physical healing. Example of mental damage includes addiction to an inferiority complex. It can be done with technical therapists but also with love between people. TheUnderstanding between people leads to heal the damaged mind. The last type of healingcan be described as spiritual healing and it is limited to the people with some kind ofreligions. For example, according to bible, Proverbs 4:22- for they (the commandments of God) are life to those (Christians) who find them, healing and health to all their flesh. The healing in this quote is healing the soul from the stains of sins.Why do we have such thing as healing? The environment that is full of danger, which we are living in, has caused the healing. If the world is absolutely safe or we have minds and bodies like steel, then why would we need the process of healing? Healing was formed because of danger around our fragile physical and mental states. Also, the nature of living thing has caused the act of healing. When we are injured we experience from little to severe pain. The instinct of men to get out of pain is the main cause of healing. Without this, we would just neglect the injuries and there would no such thing as healing. Therefore, it is assumed that the act of healing happened right after the first injury of living creature. Or else, there would be no living creature thathas survived right now.The negation of healing can be described as destruction and hurting. Even though both of destruction and healing are all from nature of living things, they have opposite meaning and backgrounds. First of all, destructing mean the act of ruining something and degrading it, while healing is restoring and making whole. Destruction and hurting comes from the entangled feeling of hatred, inferiority complex, jealousy, and violence. In contrast, healing is made up of pure compassion and loving nature, the other side of human.From losing a pencil to losing someone you love, we experience infinite kinds of losses. However, we can survive because there is healing. Without healing, we won’t be able to handle all the hurtful memories and grieves from losses. Throughout the various definitions of healing, it is certain that our lives would be unbearable without it and it is essential. For, it is not just a cure for the wounds, but also the love between all the creatures that is with hearts, whether it is human or else.

My spiritual/character goal

People often say that nobody is perfect; however, I think that one can go near to the limit of “perfect” when he makes progresses in life and here are some of my goals to be near thatFor my spiritual goal, I desire to spend more time with God I spend my life thinking about myself and myself only. Instead of molding myself into God, I often try to fit God into my life. For example, I would skip the church when I feel lazy or when I am busy. Now, I want to stop that and give my life to God. I did not want God to drive my life, but after all these masses and troubles I caused, I realize that one to control my life is God. To give him the handle, I will first have to trust him and his power wholly. Otherwise, I will be anxious and will not give up the entire handle. Also, I will read more about his words even when I am not at church like I read novels. Another method for me to be closer to God is going to the church. Attending the church, itself cannot make you a true Christian, but I personally think it is a significant act for those who are Christians, for it indicates spending more time with God.My second goal is based on developing my characters. To be raised in Korean family and to be educated in Korean style for a long time, I tend to be shy and negative about myself. When I was young I learned it as modesty, but now I realize that it is lack trusty for oneself and confidence. Also, I often compared myself with other people with intelligence, popularity, or attractive physical traits and got disappointed with what I was given, even though I know that everyone is different. My character goal is to acknowledge my very own special traits. Most of all, I want to free myself from other people’s comments about me like Oprah Winfrey said, “I cannot be defined by what other people think.” One of my methods is to look at myself in positive way. Instead of saying, “I wish” or “I am ugly”, I will say “I am unique in my own way and nobody can be me.” Also, to grow confidence, I will practice speaking infront of the others especially in classtime. I used to put my head down when a teacher asked for a volunteer to speak out loud, but now I want to change that and courageously raise my hand.Denholm, Kristine Meldrum. "Defining yourself." Chocolate for a Teen 3(2000): 128-131.