2007년 2월 19일 월요일

Process Essay

Process Essay:How to Defeat the Common ColdEsther Chanhye ParkMs. JohnsonB block Writing11/07/07607Park/ page 1(People who want to get health information/ process essay)Draft #3Have you ever suffered from stuffed nose, sore throat, and headache that feel like yourbrain weighs about 10,000 tons?At least 98% of populations on the planet called Earth, the kingdom of infinite germs,will nod in agreement. The common cold attacks us especially when our body is weakand not capable of handling the germs. Some may say that common cold is not big serious diseases like cancer, however, there may be dreadful results when ignoring it by making brain damage by high fever or loss of cells, which might lead to death. So, how do we defend ourselves from getting cold? These simple and free habits are the answer.Eating the right proportion of various foods is the first step. Especially, the diet should include vegetables and fruits for vitamin C and moisture. There are certain types of fruits and vegetables that strengthen the defense mechanism. According to Dr. Lee Wang Jae, a nutritionist, “yellow and red colored fruits have a lot of vitamin C, such as oranges, persimmon, strawberries, and tomatoes.” Also he said “spinaches, kales, and green tea leaves contain Vitamin C than other vegetables.” The healthy diet can be successfully accomplished with a small walk to supermarket with few bills in your pocket. If you don’t prefer the uncooked vegetables and fruits, you could pan-broil them or drink fruit juices to get vitamin C.Washing hands are the very next habit that keeps you away from getting common cold. Hands are the parts of our body that we use most in our life. Not only we eat with them, but also go to the restroom, throw our garbage, and clean your toilet. Think about all the germs that are around the world! Did you just handshake with someone? Congratulation! Not only friendly sign was transferred to you, but also thousand of germs that were on his or hers is now on yours! Almost everything we do in our lives include germs transferring to your body. Do not panic, because simple hand washing removes your germs. For washing hands, we just need running clean water, a soap, and a clean towel. First, gently soak your hands with warm water. Be careful not to put too hot water. Lather the soap on both of hands. Make sure that you latherenough. Then, you wash your hands. Good job! You won the battle between billions of germs by this 1-minute act.The final step to defend us from catching cold is taking enough rest.When our body is tired, it is weak and more likely to get cold. The proper time to sleep is about 8 hours. At least, a person is to have 6 hours of sleep. The condition of the place where you rest is also important. It has to be good hygiene as well as the appropriate temperature. About 19 – 21ºC of temperature keep your body temperature and help the deep sleep. The steady bed and comfortable and smooth night cloth are strongly suggested.The common cold is a signal from our body when it is weak.Thus, it is our duty not to ignore the message from our body, but take care of and pay attentions to them more than usual with quite simple and easy habits in our daily life.

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