2007년 2월 19일 월요일

Learning goals

Taking a big step to be a better writerEsther ParkJan.21.07B WritingMs. JohnsonDraft 2Standard 1:A) Goal: Develop the skills to write in response to literature, such as understanding the author’s purpose of writing style.I usually read the books without fully understanding its significance or what author really tried to say to the readers. I want to develop and learn skills to read with thoughts in more depth to be more advanced reader. To obtain this goal, I will try to read books with more care to look for a theme or topic. I will make notes during reading a book and will find author’s attention in styles, ambiguities, nuances, and complexities. Most of all, I will have to remember not to read only surface story quickly, but to read profoundly and slowly.Standard 2:B) Goal: Learn how to use more precise and descriptive language that clarifies and enhances ideas and supports different purposes.Because of my choices of flat and plain vocabularies, my whole writing often sounds monotonous. I want to change my diction to make my writing more lively and unique, so that readers can create images while reading. To accomplish my goal, I will read writings of different authors to learn about various ways to express in writing. Also, I will be able to learn about more words while reading them. I am planning to read pieces from different era to make more diversity in writing and here is part of my booklist: Moby Dick by Herman Melville, Chocolate War by Robert Cormier, and The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.I will try to finish at least tem books in this quarter, which makes 20 books for the whole semester.Standard 3:C) Goal: Fix the habit of using commonly confused terms in written compositionConfusion of two similar words makes the writing ambiguous and nonsensical.I am going to achieve this goal by memorizing the certain words that are confusing to me. For example, I am going to make list of words that I often make mistakes.Here are some of the words: Sensual and sensuous; affect and effect; avert and advert.Standard 4:D) Goal: Write the source accurately in appropriate formatThis goal is important to me as I had many grade disadvantages because of my mistakes in writing sources in not only writing class but also other classes. I will put more time in studying more about the citation. Also, checking the website of citation machine will be helpful. Before turning in any papers, I will always check if I have missed any information that needs to be quoted.Standard 5:E) Goal: Turn in the papers on timeThis goal might look easy and unnecessary to others, however, it is very challenging goal for me. I am very slow thinker and also a slow writer, so it takes me more time to write a piece than other people to write a piece. To accomplish this goal, I will start the writing homework first than other homework and do not waste any class time given to me.

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