2007년 2월 19일 월요일

Definition Essay

Healing: love between creatures with thumping heartsLiving organisms, including men, live through life, getting damaged and injured. However unlike inorganic substances, we have ability to restore the healthy state, heal, others or ourselves. The word heal, contains many types and ways. It can be classified as something physical, mental, and spiritual. The choice of way to heal is greatly impacted by personal beliefs and values. Other than this, the word contains a wide-ranging variety of definitions in it including causes and origins, and negation.The first class of healing is physical healing. It is to cure the physical wounds. This class can be done to all the living things. The physical healing consists of two methods. One uses technical skills to heal; this type usually includes Western medical skills. Another sort of healing is using folk remedies. Folk remedies are nor proven to be true, however, is used widely. The methods of folk remedies depend on the region’s traditions or environment. Second type, mental healing is similar to the physical healing. Example of mental damage includes addiction to an inferiority complex. It can be done with technical therapists but also with love between people. TheUnderstanding between people leads to heal the damaged mind. The last type of healingcan be described as spiritual healing and it is limited to the people with some kind ofreligions. For example, according to bible, Proverbs 4:22- for they (the commandments of God) are life to those (Christians) who find them, healing and health to all their flesh. The healing in this quote is healing the soul from the stains of sins.Why do we have such thing as healing? The environment that is full of danger, which we are living in, has caused the healing. If the world is absolutely safe or we have minds and bodies like steel, then why would we need the process of healing? Healing was formed because of danger around our fragile physical and mental states. Also, the nature of living thing has caused the act of healing. When we are injured we experience from little to severe pain. The instinct of men to get out of pain is the main cause of healing. Without this, we would just neglect the injuries and there would no such thing as healing. Therefore, it is assumed that the act of healing happened right after the first injury of living creature. Or else, there would be no living creature thathas survived right now.The negation of healing can be described as destruction and hurting. Even though both of destruction and healing are all from nature of living things, they have opposite meaning and backgrounds. First of all, destructing mean the act of ruining something and degrading it, while healing is restoring and making whole. Destruction and hurting comes from the entangled feeling of hatred, inferiority complex, jealousy, and violence. In contrast, healing is made up of pure compassion and loving nature, the other side of human.From losing a pencil to losing someone you love, we experience infinite kinds of losses. However, we can survive because there is healing. Without healing, we won’t be able to handle all the hurtful memories and grieves from losses. Throughout the various definitions of healing, it is certain that our lives would be unbearable without it and it is essential. For, it is not just a cure for the wounds, but also the love between all the creatures that is with hearts, whether it is human or else.

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